Thursday, July 14, 2011

"MURDER" : A Study System

Study Tips : Study hard and study smart
Set a positive mood for yourself to study in
Select the appropriate time,environment and attitude

Mark any information you don't understand in a particular unit
Keep a focus on one unit or a manageable gropu of exercices

After studying the unit,stop and put what you have learned into your own words

Go back to what you did not understand and reconsider the information
Contact external expert sources(e.g., other books or an instructor) if you still cannot understand it

In this step,ask three kinds of questions concerning the studied material:
1. If I could speak to the author, what questions would I ask or what criticism would I offer?
2. How could I apply this material to what I'm interested in?
3. How could I make this information interesting and understandable to other students?

Go over the material you've covered,
Remember what strategies helped you understand and/or retain information
Apply these strategies to your future studying

Source: Taken from: 'How to Become a Good & Successful Medical Student' by Prof. Dr. Muhaya Haji Mohamad

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