Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Salam Imtihan '10

Sudah masuk fatrah exam. Blog direhatkan buat sementara waktu.

Diucapkan selamat menghadapi imtihan kepada sahabat-sahabat seperjuangan. Semoga semua najah Insya-Allah.
Doakan kejayaan saya ye!

Useful links:
Muscles of lower limb
Medical power point
Anatomy - table of L.limb
Head and Neck
MedStudy Sites
Histology - Microscopic
Perubatan Zaqaziq

 اللهم نجّحنا في امتحاننا

JADUAL Imtihan:
Final 2nd Year Examination 2010

8/5 - Practical Anatomy
9/5 - Practical Histology
10/5 - Practical Biochemistry
11/5 - Practical Physiology

19/5 - Written Exam - Physiology
23/5 - Oral Exam - Physiology

31/5 - Written Exam - Histology
1/6 - Oral Exam - Histology

15/6 - Written Exam -Anatomy
19/6 - Oral Exam - Anatomy

27/6 - Written Exam - Biochemistry
29/6 - Oral Exam - Biochemistry

4/7 - Psychology Examination 

Written exam: 3 hours ( 10 am - 1 pm)
Oral Exam: Depend on the Doctor and the turn ( 9 am - 1 pm)
Practical exam: Average - half an hour ( 9 am - 1 -pm )
* The time of the exam is not precise except for the written examination* 

اللهم يسّرلنا أمورنا واشرح صدورنا ونجّحنا في الدنيا والأخرة


Ikhlas dariku
Sumber gambar:
1. Testimoni KTI
2. Testi @ I luv Islam
3. Risalah Imtihan PMRAM

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